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Business Commentary

Final Reflections on Common Purpose!

common-purpose OK, so it is the end of my Common Purpose Matrix course. I have graduated and completed all the modules. I have been reflecting on the experience and trying to sum up what I have learnt, not from one specific event, but from the overall experience. In no particular order – here are the things that strike me!

1) Having a clear and compelling vision championed by someone or by a group of people is an essential aspect of leadership.

2) Leadership is not about authority, it is about having the vision and believing in it 100 percent

3) Understanding the historical context which has led to a present situation is a critical part of moving that situation forward in any meaningful way.

4) Problems or challenges are undoubtedly more complicated and complex than they appear at first. Good leadership often requires an ability to quickly understand and absorb the detail.

5) Negativity in any environment is highly corrosive and damaging to momentum

6) Change does not happen over time, it happens in a split second. It may take a long time to build up to change, and it may take a lot of energy to avoid changing back, but change itself happens very very quickly.

7) Providing opportunities is the most effective way of creating positive change

You cannot make a leader, you can only put someone in an environment where they have the potential to be a leader.

Without a doubt the most important thing I have realised from the course is the value of opportunity and choice. It ‘s been good fun, but what to do now is the question!

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